Forum Discussion

rancan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Verifiy link address on firefox

Hi, I am still exploring on how TestComplete works.   Currently, I am trying to create a test to verifiy the support link provided on the software opens the expected website address.   As I have ...
  • BenoitB's avatar
    5 years ago

    lol ... no it was an example MyValue :smileyhappy:


    So here you must make that,

    function CheckWebURL(UrlToCheck) { 
    //Assuming that no need of browser exists check so just check if an url is given to be checked and if current browser current page url contains this url
    if (typeof UrlToCheck == 'string') {
    var posUrl = aqString.Find(Sys.Browser("*").Page("*").URL, UrlToCheck, 0 , false);
    return ((UrlToCheck != "") && (posUrl >=0) && (posUrl < 9))
    else {
    Log.Message("UrlToCheck is incorrect");
    return false;

    typeof return the type of the variable

    it could be 'undefined', 'string', 'number' or 'Object'  (array are included in Object)

    Here you want a string, so checking if type is string is double check:  variable is definied and it's type is string.


    On your function, MyValue is here not defined ...

    And it will return return true, because by default function returns true. And you don't specify the return value in case of bad type (Log.Message doesn't change return value, Log.Error yes).


    Good place to learn data type here: