Forum Discussion

bhumika_patra's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Trying to send email from Outlook (getting the following error)

I have added the following to avoid the warning message while sending an email.

 Set secManager = CreateObject("AddinExpress.SecurityManager")

 secManager.ConnectTo olApp 

 secManager.DisableOOMWarnings = False

ActiveX component can't create object: 'AddinExpress.SecurityManager'.

Can someone help ???

7 Replies

  • Hi Bhumika,

    ActiveX component can't create object: 'AddinExpress.SecurityManager'.

    Make sure that the component is installed. Probably, you need to install "Security Manager 2010 for Microsoft Outlook, ActiveX Edition" available here.
  • Hello Mike,

    I tried to install the Security Manager 2010 for Microsoft Outlook, ActiveX Edition from the link given by you. But while installing it asks for Registration ID and Code. May I know whose Registration code and id and where I can get that.



  • Hi Bhumika,

    This is a question for this software's vendor, Add-in Express Ltd. Also, I'd recommend that you make sure that this software provides the ActiveX object you need. As far as I understand, you can try to get this information from the Support, Forums or Learning Center sections of the ADD-IN EXPRESS™ site.
  • If testcomplete is suggesting to use third-party product (paid) to automate the script then what's the point of using any script. It should provide us the solution if the third party product cannot be bought.


  • It would be great, if alternative solution can be given to send an email using outlook 2010 by VB script (just allowing on the security warning message).


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    I don't think the SmartBear folks are telling you to go buy a third party item, they are saying that the problem is IN a third party item that is not supported by SmartBear folks and that you may need to work with that other vendor to work on figuring out what's wrong.