Forum Discussion

MohammedRafiq's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Testcomplete is not minimizing while running userforms with RectObjectPicker

I have a user form which will capture the object and its details on clicking the RectObjectPicker

On clicking the RectObjectPicker from the userform testcomple should minimize and show my current application that is running (or previous screen).

But what happens is testcomplete is still visible and bit greyed out and my tested app is partially visible.

Even tried with Option - Current Project Properties - Playback - Minimiize Testcomplete to TRUE or checked

Can any one help on this.


I am using a Desktop windows based application for tested apps.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've never seen that before. Either restart TC or Restore Default Docking and Restore Default Toolbar, from View menu.

  • Tried to Restart testcomplete and Restore Default docking and Restore Default Toolbar - still same shaddy testcomplete - unable to click my required object in my tested app.