Forum Discussion

jyothi_priya's avatar
14 years ago

How to minimize a userform?


Is there any control or a property of the userform where I can minimize it whenever I want just like we do with normal windows???


  • Hi,

    Add a loop to the Main routine to constantly check the form's Visible property and exit the loop when it equals false:

    Sub Main()


    While UserForms.TestForm.Visible

    ' do nothing


    End Sub
  • Hi,

    Add a loop to the Main routine to constantly check the form's Visible property and exit the loop when it equals false:

    Sub Main()


    While UserForms.TestForm.Visible

    ' do nothing


    End Sub
  • Hi,

    There's no way to minimize user forms from code. You can only hide them when they're not needed and show them when your test expects some interaction from a user.
  • Hi,

    It is possible if you display your user form as a modeless window (with Show instead of ShowModal). In this case, it will have the minimize button in its header just like other windows.
  • Hi Jared,

    I want the main userform to have minimize button in the header. Using show method, it is displaying the userform for a second and then closing it.

    I have written the code as follows:

    Sub Main()


    End Sub

    Sub TestForm_cxButton1_OnClick()




        UserForm.TestForm.Visibile = False

    End Sub

    Now, how can I make TestForm visible till cxButton1 is clicked?
  • Thank you so much..It's working.

    Another Question is Can I minimize userform dynamically?

    I have tried UserForm .TestForm.Minimize which isn't working.