Forum Discussion

glen_lobo's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

How to Minimizing TestComplete after launching a form using script

To run my tests which have been stored in different mdb's I use a form and select the database path.

But while doing so i have to remember to manually minimize TestComplete or my application which is already running in the background would be never be in focus.

Need to know if there is a way to minimize TestComplete using code?

P.S: Minimize does work when i run the testsuite but then when the form appears it comes right back.
  • Try this before the form is displayed:

    Set oTC = GetObject(, "TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication")

    oTC.Visible = False

    To make it visible again, launch TestComplete again. You'll get an error stating "Cannot launch another instance of this application" and already existing instance of TestComplete will be shown.

  • Try this before the form is displayed:

    Set oTC = GetObject(, "TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication")

    oTC.Visible = False

    To make it visible again, launch TestComplete again. You'll get an error stating "Cannot launch another instance of this application" and already existing instance of TestComplete will be shown.

  • glen_lobo's avatar
    New Contributor
    As i mentioned i did that and it works fine until you call for the form.

    The moment the form is displayed Testcomplete is no longer minimized.
  • glen_lobo's avatar
    New Contributor

    Set oTC = GetObject(, "TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication")

    oTC.Visible = False

    at the start of the code and

    oTC.Visible = True

    at the very end resolved my issue.

    Thanks for the solution.