Forum Discussion
- Colin_McCraeCommunity HeroI have script extensions for reading in Excel sheets, outputting results to Excel and logging.
Along with a shell project containing a driver script and a few generic script modules (for tasks that are not application specific) this effectively forms our framework.
I use a couple of global variables as switches to control local/network runs, standalone testing/debug mode.
The read in Excel sheets are user populated with each line being a function written for the project in question, it's input parameters (if any), it's expected result (if any) and a few optional control characters giving the user some basic conditional control of the flow of the script. So the automation developers put together the functions then give them to the testers to create test packs with them. I refer to it as "test lego".
The script extensions then write out excel sheets with high level results. A log file with much more detailed information. At the end of the run a summary spreadsheet is generated, stored on a network drive (or local if desired) and also e-mailed out to a user defined mailing list if required. Each spreadsheet contains file links to drill down further into the results and logs. If run as part of nightly build it also generates an HTML file which is picked up by the build process and given to the user as the results for that nights run. You can drill down from this as well.
All file locations and URL's in use are derived from either the user or the project location so the whole thing is also fully portable.
Works well. - aminsaurabhOccasional ContributorHii, i have also implemented a Framework which is Data Driven + Fucntion libraries(keyword Driven )+Modular Structure Driven == Hybrid Framework . I built this framework from base and so far it does the job for me for testing .NET Application .
I have a modular structure of scripts all of which are seperated and ordered in a systematic manner according to the various different modules,
Then we have put the Test data in a Excel sheet (contains multiple data which works out to be multiple Scenarios ) and imported that data to the scripts thus having more dynamic approach in terms of the test data . Then i have put the most commonly used functionalities and events in a Functiona library which help me to reuse a alot of code and save time.
I also use a series of control Driver Scripts which help me control each and every Test step Scripts as well as each module script from an Excel sheet itself ... SINCE I USE A TESTEXECUTE ON THE SERVER....
(NOTE : any suggestions for more scope of improvement will be appreciated :P)
hope i could help.. - aminsaurabhOccasional Contributorwell the control scripts are nothing but scripts that control which test step scripts execute and which do not. this execution criteria is stored in an excel file which can be changed by any one without even opening the Testcomplete IDE .. ive tried to make the execution process and the Data Feed process as TC free as possible. use basic if else statements and USEUNIT unitA calls as possible .. but you need to figur out if this architecture suits your application ..
And neha can you explain what do you mean by Storing the Object Data in a XML FILE ????
hope it helped ! :) - neha_sharmaContributorHi Murugan,
We are using Hybrid Framework.
We have object data stored in XML file in a folder.
TestData in an excel file in another folder.
We are using DLL's to implement some of reporting functions and they are in seperate folder.
So our script on startup gets objects data from XML,testdata from excel and then using DLL reports TC Pass or Fail.
Neha- nisguptaValued Contributor
working on the Testcomplete automation framework . Have attached the screenshot - which shows the folder structure .
Structure is like this
Scripts -- Functions -- <foldername> < unitname> where unitname refers to list of methods defined
-- Test Cases -- Functional Testing --<unitname > where unitname refers to script name
have attached the screenshot and comments
here the main issue is -- I have create the same folder again and again whenever the new project is created and it also applies to to when we create the new project suite
can we make this better to avoid creating the folders
- karkadilValued ContributorA lot of them :)
Before answering this question, let's find out what exactly do you mean by "automation framework"? - augustine_uzokw_1ContributorHi,
What is the outcome?
Were any fw suggested?
long live the cookbook :-) - murugans1011Regular ContributorHi i m following data driven automation framework, where i can keep my test data in external storage(Excel) and update result for each dataset and a batch file organized in separate folder to execute individual projects from command line
- jose_pitaSuper ContributorAre you talking about frameworks or design patterns?
- murugans1011Regular Contributor
- murugans1011Regular ContributorHi Neha,
Thanks for sharing.
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