Forum Discussion

murugans1011's avatar
Regular Contributor
12 years ago

TestComplete automation framework

Is there any automation framework for testing applications?
  • Hi Saurabh,

    I see that you have also writen some control driver scripts which control Test items from an excel sheet.I was looking for a similar functionality.

    How do you control the testitems to be run from Excel sheets.

    Please share the details if you have implented this functionality.


  • Thanks for the reply Saurabh.

    I am interested in knowing that do you update .mds file or .pjs file to enable or disable a script in project suite at runtime.

    Please share.

    Also as for XML then we are storing properties of each object as attributes in XML.

    Then we query XML to get all attributes and there values for a particular object.

    Code is something like :

    Set xmlObject = Doc.selectSingleNode(


    "//Page[@strObjUniq = '" & strPageName & "']/*[@strObjUniq = '" & strUniqueName & "']")




    '@@ Move forward in case of xmlObject is null


    on error resume next



    '@@ fetch out the attributes name and values from xmlobject



    '@@ check if the atribute is ID and the value is not null then initialize it into a dictionary

    Set pn_attribs = xmlObject.attributes

    For Each pnAttr in pn_attribs

    if ( =


    "id") AND Not((pnAttr.value) = "") Then






    "value", pnAttr.value

    set getObjrep = dictObjectRep

    Exit for




    '@@ check if the atribute is name and the value is not null then initialize it into a dictionary

    Else if ( =


    "name") AND Not((pnAttr.value) = "") Then






    "value", pnAttr.value

    set getObjrep = dictObjectRep

    Exit for

    End If

    End if

  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor
     I also have built and currently expanding framework much similar to what Saurabh has explained. But using bit more script-extensions. I’m quite heavily dependent on name mapping functionality provided by TC to identify application objects. It seems Neha Sharma has alternatively using XML. (I’m I correct?) Neha, would you mind telling the advantages of using xml?