Forum Discussion

rafall92's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 months ago

Test Complete - checking if license available

I have a problem. We have some floating ID-based licenses. We run our scripts on multiple vm. Sometimes license is unavailable, because other machine ise it for test. What we want to do is checking before test execution if license is available, and if not wait for it. How can we check how many available licenses we have? Is there some api query to do that or not?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    This is not documented anywhere, but it is possible to retrieve licence usages via an API call (Use your browser' DevTools). You can then parse the JSON file, and get the appropriate information you require.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    As far as I am aware, there are no options for that. 

    You can have a look at the SmartBear License Management portal, to see license usage, that's about it.

    • rafall92's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      There is nothing like that in license portal:(

  • Hi, there is already a feature request for this, sadly, it got too little votes so far...

    Query License server for license availability | SmartBear Community

    I too would like to see this feature. I'm coming from a Ranorex world, where we can do an easy check of available license and eventually wait for next available license. It's tremendously helpful in case of multiple test projects running in CI environment.