Forum Discussion

pvidal's avatar
16 years ago

Split TextObjects


We are using the TextObject functionality in TestComplete 7.51 and we are seen different behaviors on different PCs. On two PCs with WindowsXP Service Pack 2 the TextObject functionality works as expected, but in one Virtual Machine with WindowsXP Service Pack 3 the TextObject functionality is splitting contiguous text in several TextObjects:

For example: 

    - "NE#" text is being captured as "NE" and "#".

    - "1/25/2010" text is being captured as "1", "/", "25", "/", and 2010.

    - "System Event: R" is being captured as "System Event: ", "R".

I don't know if the difference is because the Service Pack or the use of a Virtual Machine, but this is breaking havoc in our tests.

I am trying to "hack" away a function that will join the split TextObjects, but I don't think it is a permanent solution.

Thank you,
