Forum Discussion

suzanne_e_saund's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Select objects without using coordinates

I am trying to record test cases.  The problem is there are buttons and links that I need to click on and when it is recorded, it uses coordinates to click.  I need a way click on objects on a window without using coordinates since they will not always be in the same location.  I am testing a web app and the project is NOT object driven.

2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Suzanne,

    Two points:

    a) Coordinates in TestComplete are object-relative and thus they work even when the object is moved to another location (with the object size been preserved);

    b) You can manually remove recorded coordinates. In this case the click will be performed in the middle of the target object.
  • suzanne_e_saund's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Cool..that's good to know.  As I'm thinking about these test cases, there's going to be multiples of these objects, but I noticed the other day that they are all unique to a cell.  I guess that means I need to record the action on every one of them?