Forum Discussion

talisker's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Retrieving the column names from the result of an ADO database query in Python

Hi all, 


I want to create a somewhat generic function in Python where I get a key/value dictionary from a database query that I know returns only one row. I want to do something like this:



def GetEmployeeInfo(employeeId): 
  Conn = ADO.CreateADOCommand();
  Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=********;Password=********;Data Source=********:****"
  # I get ALL the columns from the table
  Conn.CommandText =  "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeId = :paramEmployeeId"
  Conn.CommandType = cmdText;
  Conn.Parameters.Items[0].Value = employeeId;
  data = Conn.Execute();

  result = {}
  # Here, I would like to build a dictionnary like: 
# result[COLUMN_NAME] = data.Fields.Item[index].Value
# but I have no idea how to retrieve the column name
# and cannot find any detailed documentation of methods and
# properties around data or data.Fields, etc... for index in range(data.Fields.Count): Log.Message(data.Fields.Item[index].Value) return result


Now, I am able to get all the cell values from the returned database row, but I need something that would get me this sort of result:



result = GetEmployeeInfo(99)



I am sure this is doable, but I find the API documentation quite lacking when it comes to finding out about all available methods or properties of objects coming from ADO commands.


Thanks in advance for your help,



  • data.Fields.Item[index].Name

    The above will return the name of the item at the indicated index. 

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    The above will return the name of the item at the indicated index.