Remote execution not working
I've noticed that since upgrading to the latest version of TestComplete and TestExecute I'm having issues starting or running TE remotely (I execute tests remotely using TE and a command line).
I am unable to verify the connection from TC to TE on my remote machine anymore and also cannot remotely execute via command line as before.
When I attempt to run TE remotely, the TE application starts up when viewing in the task manager on the remote VM, but does not fully boot up and start the TC service like it usually would. It does however open as expected and start the TCservice if I open TE manually on the VM.
Note the same command has been sent pre and post update of TestExecute and the VM environment has not changed.
TC Version: 14.72.408.7 x64
TE Version: 14.72.408.11 x64
Command used to execute below
"psexec -u DOMAIN\USER -p PASSWORD \\MACHINEIP -h -d -i cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 14\Bin\TestExecute.exe" "C:\PATH\TO\SOLUTION\TCPROJECT.pjs" /r /p:PROJECT"
It is strange that TestComplete cannot verify the connection within the network suite for any of the VMs setup that was working previously OK.