1) Starting the application
I start the application by getting the OS (var OSName = NameMapping.Sys.OSInfo.Name) and then starting it from the start run and entering the path to the .exe. Using the internal tested apps of TC does not work correctly. If I use tested apps and start to use the application it returns errors about missing .dll’s that TC does not load correctly. I have been starting the application this way for many years because tested apps, does not start this application correctly.
2) Access to objects
When I first start the application all the mappings are working and if I use the Object Spy everything is found and works. I see there are three (3) sections listed under the properties of the object spy, being, standard, extended and visual basic. After the problem happens I noticed that if I use the Object Spy the visual basic properties is missing from the list. This is why I thought the solution was (NameMapping.Sys.edata.Refresh();) to refresh the entire eData object tree. This I thought would restore the object tree. None of the commands to refresh object tree work and the only solution I have found so far is the restarting of the eData program.
3) Different account
I guess I don’t understand your question here; because it does work and then stops. I don’t see how that could be account related.
4) The point of failure
Sometimes but not always, when the application loads forms and kind-of starts a different mode, when it returns to the main program is when the mappings are lost. Because of this each time the scripts load, correct, enter, update, or do anything with a form I restart the application.
Thanks, for any and all help. These scripts have been running and working for years.