Forum Discussion

dhundley's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

object browser page not refreshing in playback mode

i have a webpage in my application that has a "number of items to display on the page" value. it can be 10, 25, 50 or 100. when i am in development mode and looking at the object browser between selecting different values, i have to click the refresh button 

to get the elements to reflect what is actually being shown on the screen.


How do i get that refresh to occur during playback? i am calling a script function in between changing this value and the second call still has the values that were true for the first call. I've tried calling the RefreshmappingInfo(), Browsers.Refresh() and a Keys("F5") but none of those do anything. i've also tried just hard coding a 10 second delay but that has no effect either. 

  • nevermind. about one minute after i posted this i found the refresh method specific to the object (as opposed to the refreshmappinginfo method) and that did the trick. 

1 Reply

  • dhundley's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    nevermind. about one minute after i posted this i found the refresh method specific to the object (as opposed to the refreshmappinginfo method) and that did the trick.