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Christian1's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Python aqConvert.StrToInt not working: argument is not a number


I´m very new to TestComplete and trying a simple Keyword-test with the Windows calculator clicking 5 * 5 = 25. I run the test and converted the test to a Python script. All I´m trying to do is to convert the result from the output (in this case 25) from a string to an integer using aqConvert.StrToInt. I already checked the variable type with aqObject.GetVarType. The variable is definetly a string. Trying aqConvert.VarToInt. also raises an error. Here´s the code snippet I use and i also added a screenshot of the error. Can anyone please help me, what´s going wrong here? I can´t see any mistakes in my script.


def Test1():

  # calculate 5 * 5 with Windows-Calculator (result = 25)

  #Clicks the 'F_nf' object. (the Five-Button.Click)


  #Clicks the 'Multiplizieren_mit' object.(the Multiply.Click)


  #Clicks the 'F_nf' object. (the Five-Button.Click)


  #Clicks the 'Gleich' object. (the Equals-Button.Click)

  Aliases.Microsoft_WindowsCalculator.Rechner.LandmarkTarget.Standardoperatoren.Gleich.Click() # (Equal-Button.Click)

  #Clicks the 'normalOutput' object.

  Aliases.Microsoft_WindowsCalculator.Rechner.LandmarkTarget.Die_Anzeige_lautet_0_.textContainer.normalOutput.Click(38, 37) # (the result output)


  # check if 'normalOutput' exists

  if Aliases.Microsoft_WindowsCalculator.Rechner.LandmarkTarget.Die_Anzeige_lautet_0_.textContainer.normalOutput.Exists:

    Log.Message("everything is fine") # it works 🙂


    Log.Error("nothing is fine")


  res = Aliases.Microsoft_WindowsCalculator.Rechner.LandmarkTarget.Die_Anzeige_lautet_0_.textContainer.normalOutput

  value = res.Text


  # check the type of variable 'value'

   TypeID = aqObject.GetVarType(value)

  if TypeID == varOleStr:

     str = "String" # variable 'value' is a String


  Log.Message("TypeID: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(TypeID) + ", Type: " + str + ", Value: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(value)) 

  # Converting the String to an Integer using aqConvert.StrToInt()

  test = aqConvert.StrToInt(value) ########### -> Here´s the Problem: Python runtime error: The argument is not a number.


  # check the result

  if test == 25:

    Log.Message("Result is 25")


    Log.Message("Result is NOT 25")


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    4 years ago



    they are unicode characters, not showing up in the log-message.

    This is what I meant when thought "to check html markup on the page for the '25' value".

    The quick idea is to use regular expression. For example (untested regexp):

    if (aqObject.CompareProperty(value, BuiltIn.cmpMatches, '^[^0-9]*25[^0-9]*$', false, BuiltIn.lmNone))

      Log.Checkpoint('Value equals to 25');




8 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    What is the value of the 'value' variable?

    The idea is that, as per documentation, "the StrToInt method converts the string S, which represents an integer number in decimal notation", so if 'value', for example, contains something like '25.0' whereas the decimal separator in your locale is comma, this may be considered as integer that is not in decimal notation and cause the error.


  • Christian1's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Alex,


    thanks for you reply. The value is a string of '25' the result is not '25,0' or something like that, the 'value' contains '25' as a string. In my understanding it can´t be the decimal seperator comma in my locale (see screenshots down below). Furthermore, I checked if there are any space characters in the string 'value', for example value = '  25  ', but I couldn´t find any. Just to make sure there are no space characters in it, I replaced space characters using


    value = aqString.Replace(value, ' ', '')


    but the problem still remains unsolved:








    res = Aliases.Microsoft_WindowsCalculator.Rechner.LandmarkTarget.Die_Anzeige_lautet_0_.textContainer.normalOutput
    value = res.Text

    # check the type of variable 'value'
    TypeID = aqObject.GetVarType(value)

    if TypeID == varOleStr:
    str = "String"                       # -> this is the type of variable 'value' it return in the Log.Message()

    Log.Message("TypeID: " + aqConvert.IntToStr(TypeID) + ", Type: " + str + ", Value: " + value)

    if aqConvert.StrToInt(value) == 25# raises an error!
      Log.Message("Result is 25")
      Log.Message("Result is NOT 25")


    I also tried the following possibilities using the string in the if-clause. It doesn´t raise an error but the result is not as expected:


    if value == "25":

      Log.Message("Result is 25")
      Log.Message("Result is NOT 25")       # not the expected result





    In the following case I understand that the result is not '25,0' the 'value' contains '25'. In my understanding it can´t be the decimal seperator comma in my locale.


    if value == "25,0":

      Log.Message("Result is 25")

      Log.Message("Result is NOT 25"# expected Result







    Just to make sure, I tried all possibilites...

    if value == "25.0":

      Log.Message("Result is 25")

      Log.Message("Result is NOT 25")      # expected Result






    if aqConvert.StrToFloat(value) == 25.0:         # raises an error, expected Result
      Log.Message("Result is 25")
      Log.Message("Result is NOT 25")








    I´m really stuck in the mud. I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      The only other idea that I have at the moment is to check html markup on the page for the '25' value.

      Again, it might be prefixed or suffixed with tab or some other whitespace character that causes StrToInt() to fail.

      If the markup contains pure '25' value then I have no better idea than create Support ticket via the form.


      • BenoitB's avatar
        Community Hero

        Have you tried +value == +25 ?  (unary operator)