powershell equivalent of running testexecute with command line arguments
in the SmartBear support documentation is this site
that shows how to run testcomplete/testexecute using the command line. at the very bottom on the page is this:
If you want the command line to wait until the test (project and so on) execution is over, you can use the START
command as shown in the example below:
start "My Title" /wait TestComplete.exe "C:\Work\My Projects\MySuite.pjs" /run /exit /SilentMode
Pay attention to the string after the START command in the example above. It is the title of the command-line window and it is needed for the command to work correctly. |
My question is, if I'm using powershell instead of a CMD window, would this line of powershell:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\x64\Bin\TestExecute.exe" -ArgumentList "C:\Work\My Projects\MySuite.pjs" -Wait
be the equivalent of the CMD example shown above from the smartbear support site? if not, then what would the powershell equivalent of it be? i'm curious about not including the /run, the /exit and the /SilentMode arguments and not giving it a title.
since powershell appears to be the more accepted utility these days, shouldn't smartbear update their support site to give powershell examples instead of (or at least in addition to) command line arguments? just curious.
This is the PowerShell command that I use,
Start-Process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\x64\Bin\TestExecute.exe' -ArgumentList """C:\Sandbox\TestComplete\Proj\Proj.pjs"" /run /exit /DoNotShowLog /ExportLog:""C:\Sandbox\Log\index.html"" -Wait
Make sure you use the correct single and double quotes.
The properties for my task schedule looks like,
Username shown, has full admin access.
I've shown you the commands that I use
History showing completed task schedules
Try to schedule a task for .ps1 script that contains only,
Write-Output 'Testing schedule task'
And if that doesn't work, then does the History tab show anything?