5 years agoOccasional Contributor
Python 3.7 support
We internally have produced a product that has a Python library based on 3.7.3 (all dlls are compiled aginst 3.7.3)
I've been struggling taking my standlone Python 3.7.3 scripts to work in Test Complete.
After banging my head against a brick wall I found out that installing python 3.6 locally causes the same issue..
Hence TestComplete does not work.
So I'm after a TestComplete Python 3.7 update...
ie. replacement of the 'aqPyScript36.dll' and Python36 folder.
(TestComplete included python3.6 was complied in 2016!!)
can anyone help.?
Thank you for creating a feature request for this, I’ll post the link here so that users could find it and vote up - Update Python Engine to 3.7.