Forum Discussion

Geethanjali's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Not able to identify an object in screen



when I spy an object in the object browser, I get the mapping for that object as"NameMapping.Sys.browser.pageClaimsConnect.formAspnetform.frameMaincontentiframe.formAspnetform.panelDivcolumnd2.panel.panelDivcontentforpnc.panel.panel.panel.panelLiquid"


However, when I try to code to identify the same object - It says " Object doesnot exist".  

On analysis I found that TC is not able to identify object "panelDivcolumnd2" . Am not able to see where that object is specifically located in screen.


can someone help me in this ?





5 Replies

    • Geethanjali's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      hi ya


      I saw the course. It has not helped me much in solving the issue. with Iframes I have tried every option provided in the help pages and it is not helping me at all. If anyone has any solutions of coding successfully in iframes do let me know.




  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Am not able to see where that object is specifically located in screen.

    I would do it this way:

    -- Put the tested application into required state (i.e. with the panelDivcolumnd2 object to be displayed on the screen);

    -- Switch to the NameMapping editor and note identification properties for the problematic panelDivcolumnd2 object;

    -- Right click the formAspnetform object in the NameMapping pane and commend to select the object in the Object Browser;

    -- Using the noted identification parameters for the panelDivcolumnd2 object, try to identify the child object below the formAspnetform that must correspond to the panelDivcolumnd2. This must be direct child if Extended Find is disabled for the panelDivcolumnd2 object in NameMapping. If Extended Find is enabled, then you will have to drill down the tree of formAspnetform's descendants and find the required one;

    -- After you identified the required panelDivcolumnd2 object in the Object Browser, compare its current properties with those used for NameMapping and identify those that appeared to be dynamic;

    -- Modify NameMapping for the panelDivcolumnd2 object to exclude dynamic properties and replace them with the unique and stable ones.


    • Geethanjali's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      This issue has been resolved now after I started to refer to full name of the objects from object explorer.