Missing properties and Methods in TcxGridSite
I'm new to TestComplete and I'm having troubles with the TcxGridSites that my software uses.
For the life of me I can't use any useful properties and methods like wRowCount or ClickCell from the QuantumGrid objects. They don't show up in Object Browser, and I tried to use them anyway, thinking they were just hidden, but I can't use them.
The development team also compiled a debug version as instructed to no avail.
I've already confirmed that all the necessary objecs are mapped in "Object Maping" are already checked, in fact, they were already checked, am I missing something? Is there something else I need to do?
Another trouble I'm having is that depending on the object I look at on the Object Browser, it simply gets destroyed, sometimes even crashing my software. Is there something I can do to fix this?