Forum Discussion

AndresEnriquez's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Property transfer Missing match for source xpath

Hello people, I am new to SOAPUI, I hope any of you could help me.

From the following XML I'm trying to get the  <ns3:segmentReference> VALUE with a PROPERTY TRANSFER teststep.

For that I clicked in the "ns" button to bring me the namespaces and declare them, and what I typed afterwards is:


But that doesn't seem to work, it says "null" or "Missing match for source xpath"

I tried the longer version of the path but still won't work.

Could you point out what I am doing wrong? 

Thanks in advance




<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
      <add:MessageID xmlns:add="">0c1d47f3-9c97-4e26-9f47-57d8134e6743</add:MessageID>
      <querySegmentsResponse xmlns="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns3="">





Thanks in advance




  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago
    Please try below xpath
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    I believe it is because of multiple of "segmentReference".
    To drill down to single value, use the reference of segmentId
    • AndresEnriquez's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for your quick reply nmrao ğŸ˜Š

      In order to do this: To drill down to single value, use the reference of segmentId. Do I have to use Xquery?

      Could you teach me how to do it?

      Sorry for the basic questions, It's been days since I'm using the program.


      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Please try below xpath
    • AndresEnriquez's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I have been reading other posts and articles about Xquery and I wrote this piece of code

      for $a in //ns3:segmentInfoList/ns3:segmentInfo
      where $a/ns3:segmentId='AltaPrepSur'
      return <ns3:segmentReference> {data($a/ns3:segmentReference/text())} </ns3:segmentReference>


      but it doesn't seem to work, it returns the tag <asdf>