Forum Discussion

nagel's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

maximize applications cmd when they are compiled with VS2015 (c++ compiler)

The maximize applications cmd fails when the tested app is compiled with VS2015 (c++ compiler).  The autotest works when the tested app is compiled with VS2013 c++ compiler. The error states "The win...
  • djadhav's avatar
    9 years ago

    This could work:


    SET appWindow = Sys.Process("Test*te").Window("TUserForm")
    CALL Win32API.ShowWindow(appWindow.Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE)

    Where you can assign the name of your Application Window from the NameMapping to the appWindow variable.

  • nagel's avatar
    9 years ago

    Creating a seperate script to be called from the Keyword test is a WORKAROUND for the Keyword command Maximize not working. The script would contain the following statements:

    SET appWindow = Sys.Process("Test*te").Window("TUserForm") CALL Win32API.ShowWindow(appWindow.Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE)


    I have the Keyword Maximize command in hundreds of keyword tests.

    So does any one know where to report bugs to SmartBear, so this can be addressed.


    I will note this as a resolved workaround. Thanks again djadhav.