Maximize web browser window in TestLeft
Pls help. I'm new to TestLeft and I'm looking for a method in C# to maximize/assert a web browser window for the When and Then steps in the example below:
[Given(@"I have navigated to the google website")]
public void GivenIHaveNavigatedToTheGoogleWebsite()
IDriver driver = new SmartBear.TestLeft.LocalDriver();
IWebBrowser browser = driver.Applications.RunBrowser(BrowserType.Chrome, "");
[When(@"I maximize the window")]
public void WhenIMaximizeTheWindow()
[Then(@"the window should be maximized")]
public void ThenTheWindowShouldBeMaximized()
ITopLevelWindow of desktop application provides the .Maximize() method.
The call may be like this:
ITopLevelWindow browserWindow = driver.Find<IWebBrowser>(new WebBrowserPattern(){ ObjectIdentifier = "firefox" }).Find<ITopLevelWindow>(new WebBrowserUIPattern(){ ObjectType = "BrowserWindow", ObjectIdentifier = 0 }); browserWindow.Maximize();
Also, the same can be achieved from the Page object:
IWebPage page = driver.Find<IWebBrowser>(new WebBrowserPattern(){ ObjectIdentifier = "firefox" }).Find<IWebPage>(new WebPagePattern(){ URL = "*" }); page.CallMethod("maximize");