Forum Discussion

Oferv's avatar
Super Contributor
14 years ago

Japanese text can't be recognize


during Japanese installation i need to compare a Japanese text using a checkpoint.TC recognize this Japanese text as questions mark(??????????????????????????) is there a way to compare the text since the comparison will be between the Japanese text to the questions mark it will always fail.any solution?

  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
    O.k i understand but when the system rebooting after changing language at what code line it will start the script running? 
  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
     well... it doesn't seems to work.

    the machine did rebooted but was unable to load TC.

    attached is the error message i got while it was trying to load TC

    why is it happening and is there any solution for this problem?

  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
    just wanted to put things straight.TC does launch and run the right unit.proc but the error message i attached stays on top all the time and the test is running behind's like TC ignore the window(i set it to ignore overlapping window maybe it's because of that) but, anyway why is this window is there anyway?
