Forum Discussion

wmtan01's avatar
5 years ago

Integrating Soap UI and TestComplete



I just wanted to pick the brains of people who probably has the same requirement as we do. We're trying to integrate our ReadyAPI Project with our testcomplete tests. And I was just wondering if someone can share how they've done it in the past.


So here's the scenario:

We submit a request via ReadyAPI with randomly generated data generated inside ReadyAPI and then we have to check how the UI displays the data. The problem is, we have no way of letting TestComplete know of the data since it was generated by ReadyAPI.


What I think would work:

Option 1 - Create a script in ReadyAPI that dumps all the information to a json file and just have a handler in TestComplete that reads the json file.


Option 2 - Sink all the data into a database and just have ReadyAPI write into that one and TestComplete read into it


Option 3 - Have TestComplete generate the data, pass it to ReadyAPI by use of variables. [This would be my preferred way to handle things if we can pass TestCase and TestSuites as Variables/Parameters so we don't have to create each ReadyAPI Test as one entry in TestComplete]


All options would have complications when there are more type of requests our API should handle (we can have about 100 different request bodies hitting our integration end point) so we're really thinking this through before we actually start building something to integrate the two applications.

  • wmtan01's avatar
    5 years ago

    This is how we do a small subset of our tests and so far it has been working great. Due to lack of ReadyAPI licenses we even had to make an XML Editor that allowed us to make a sort of Environment functionality to SoapUI. 


    This is actually approach 3 which has its own pros and cons.

5 Replies

    • wmtan01's avatar

      This is how we do a small subset of our tests and so far it has been working great. Due to lack of ReadyAPI licenses we even had to make an XML Editor that allowed us to make a sort of Environment functionality to SoapUI. 


      This is actually approach 3 which has its own pros and cons.

      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi wmtan01 , thanks for sharing the approach that works for you.

        As for the integration feature, you might want to add it as a feature request here. 

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    We actually use a combination of options one and three. We wrote a generic script to call ReadyAPI from test complete using the wShell object that takes a JSON paremeter, parses and tags that on to the command to launch testrunner.bat. The ready API test then dump results into another JSON files named based on our data in the JSON parameter and we then read and parse that back in to continue the GUI portion of the test.

    • wmtan01's avatar

      I didn't think about doing the command line version of ReadyAPI to remove the need of mapping each test to a ready API "test" inside test complete. Thanks for this idea! 


      As for passing back data onto TestComplete it seems like the dumping data into either a JSON or a database is the only way to do it. SmartBear has yet to make an integration from Ready API back to TestComplete. Hoping it becomes a feature in the future to actually improve testing of both the API front and the UI Components of an application.