Forum Discussion

mortenb123's avatar
5 years ago

how to monitor test progress

Hi what is best practice for monitoring test in progress. I currently have a simple rest api that just write ok,failed,in progress to a list, but I need to look up and it does not save any logs.




  • We have an SQL database that updates on the test case level as to when it's started, in progress, or complete so we can see, in general, which test cases have completed out of how many.  There's no "built-in" way in the TestComplete tool to monitor progress but either by custom development or using a test management tool, you can monitor progress.

4 Replies

  • BenoitB's avatar
    Community Hero

    It depends of your needs and environment.


    For example, if you use a test management software, it has certainly a way to update current status of test execution.

    E..g. with Squash, in the web interface you can follow executions of remote tests because it offer statuses and rest api to call to make it possible.


    As for me i have generic start/stop test session, test case and test step functions that i call at script level or at onStartTest and onStopTests events of test engine.

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      We have an SQL database that updates on the test case level as to when it's started, in progress, or complete so we can see, in general, which test cases have completed out of how many.  There's no "built-in" way in the TestComplete tool to monitor progress but either by custom development or using a test management tool, you can monitor progress.

      • mortenb123's avatar

        Thanks, We use GitlabCI, Jenkins and TeamCity We do not need another test management tool, so I go further with the database. adding a little webinterface on the testExecute machine, so we can see progress of test running and estimate when it will be finished.