Forum Discussion

fred_temento's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Monitor panel is empty

Hi all,


I don't know why (surely I did something wrong with an unwanted drag'n'drop), my monitor panel is an empty window... no graph, no grid, no contextual menu to edit data... (see attached)


I can't find how to add new monitor grid or graph inner control without the contextual menu...



...need a little help from my friends...!





  • Hi Fred,


    Hm-m-m... Sounds strange...

    Several ideas that you may try:

    -- Click somewhere within the Monitor window and press Shift-F10 to open context menu;

    -- View|Desktop|Restore Default Docking main menu command;

    -- View|Toolbars|Restore Toolbar main menu command.


    If nothing from the above helps and you don't want to reinstall;) - ask Support via form.



    Ah, and one more idea, though I never tried it: close AQTime, navigate to the <User Profile>\AppData\Local\SmartBear\AQtime\8.0\ folder, move all its content to some other location and start AQtime...

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Fred,


    Hm-m-m... Sounds strange...

    Several ideas that you may try:

    -- Click somewhere within the Monitor window and press Shift-F10 to open context menu;

    -- View|Desktop|Restore Default Docking main menu command;

    -- View|Toolbars|Restore Toolbar main menu command.


    If nothing from the above helps and you don't want to reinstall;) - ask Support via form.



    Ah, and one more idea, though I never tried it: close AQTime, navigate to the <User Profile>\AppData\Local\SmartBear\AQtime\8.0\ folder, move all its content to some other location and start AQtime...

    • fred_temento's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      thanks Alex


      Your first hint was the good one !


      Do you know if it is possible to add horizontal scroller to the monitor view (graph) in order to see the whole data(and not only the bufferized ones) ?

      or maybe log all data to a file (in order to recreate it with xl) ?


      thanks in advance !


      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Fred,


        > Your first hint was the good one !

        Good to know, thanks :)


        > horizontal scroller to the monitor view (graph)

        If I remember it correctly, Monitor captures all data (within the monitored interval?) and you can zoom in/out. Have you read the help section? Did it help?


        > or maybe log all data to a file (in order to recreate it with xl) ?

        Not sure if it is applicable to the Monitor panel and its data, but some results can be exported from AQtime for further analysis. Check the help section, hope it will help.