Forum Discussion

shrey1686's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

How to get ToolTip Text ?

Hi Everyone,   I am using windows application.   Now I have a grid (table), and one of the cell of the table is a image, I want to get the tooltip text of the image.   Can anyone help on this ?...
  • shrey1686's avatar
    10 years ago


    Dim cell

    Dim ToolTipText


    Set cell =Aliases.XXX.MainForm.SplitterPanel2.gridTrades.Rows.Item(RowNumber).Cells.Item(ColumnNumber)


    Msgbox ToolTipText



    So just give the RowNumber & ColumnNumber of the cell , foe which you want to get the ToolTip text. And then Use "GetToolTipText" method to get the tool tip text.

