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whuang's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 years ago

How can I get TC to run query against SQL database?

Hi everyone,


I have a test that I need to ask TC to run a query in SQL database to update some data, but I have no knowledge about database at all. I read about ADO Object and tried to do the same as showing in the example, but I was not sure what the value after ConnectionString was ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + _"Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Documents\TestComplete 14 Samples\Desktop\Checkpoints\XML\DataGridViewSample\OrdersDB.mdb").


I asked our developer, and I was told that our database connecting string was something like "data;initial catalog=xxxx;integrated security=true;multipleactiveresultsets=true;app=xxxx", so is this the value I should place after AConnection.ConnectionString = ? I tried so, but I got a runtime error: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done." Not sure if it was because the connection code I executed was wrong or because the Microsoft Data Access Components was missing, because I tried to install the downloaded file ( v 2.8 SP1), but nothing happens after I double clicked on it.


I am totally lost, can someone please help me  to fix this?



  • Nevermind, I figured out, it should be DBConnection.Execute(Query to run)

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    > Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors.

    This means that executed SQL contained more than one statement. ADO supports one statement per SQL, so instead of batch SQL execution you need to execute it line-by-line.


    • whuang's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Hi AlexKaras , I asked our database guy to take a look at my script below, and he doesn't know why it failed either. So my script is like this:

      11 Sub try
      13 Set AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection
      15 AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;data;initial catalog=xxxxx;integrated security=true;multipleactiveresultsets=true;app=xxxxx;"
      17 AConnection.Open
      20 AConnection.Close
      22 End Sub


      Below is the error details returned:

      VBScript runtime error.

      Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

      Error location:
      Unit: "E-Academy\E-Academy\Script\WilliamTestScript"
      Line: 17 Column: 3.


      Looks like it was complainting about line 17 - AConnection.Open


      Can you please give more instruction how to fix it? BTW, do I have to have SQL server 20xx installed on the machine first in order to run the script? because currently I don't have it nor the Native Client on the machine.



      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        Does the same error occur if you remove 'multipleactiveresultsets=true;' from the connection string?