Hints for searching or combining test logs
I've got a list of recent test logs in a project, and I'd like to perform a search for events or strings. 1) Is is possible to search more than one log at the same time?
Also, I'd like to combine logs from recent test runs into a project so I can see them in a list and perform the same search from my first question. I'd like to select a list of log folders, maybe. 2) Is there a way to open more than one Desription.log file at once?
Let me know how you like to analyze logs, thanks for your help.
If others agree that analyzing multiple logs is useful, we might try to get a related feature request implemented: Please allow the open log file dialog to multi select .log files.
We have written a script to search for needed details in the testcomplete logs and also align timestamps from other logs.
I have realized that my workflow runs TestComplete scripts in a one-off fashion and not through the test items runner, so my logs tend to be more disjoint.