5000 payloads with different combinations - ReadyAPI
Hi Team,
Please advise will there be any performance issues, if I process 5k payloads with different combinations and permutations (production like data), using ready API.
1. 5k + payloads will be stored external to ReadyAPI - XML type
2. one payload size (2k + lines) - XML Type
3. Response - 1.5k + lines; (JSON Response)
4. Payloads will be picked one after another; (Production type data)
5. Validate only 5 fields in the response
Expectation: Validate if the output from the new system, as per the old system.
Note: This is functional testing. So, this task not related to validating the load;
Hi ashsharma22 ,
I don't think that there will be any performance issue with ReadyAPI if you hit any endpoint any number of times.
Are you facing any issue related to performance of tool?