Forum Discussion

KBTokzan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

SoapUI Pro (Automate JSon payload)

Hi Guys,


I am new on SoapUI pro, here is the scenario.


I have four methods namely (create, update, delete, and get) for the event service, so from my update json I need to pass the eventCode which is generated from the create Method.


I am able to connect to the DB and I am also aware of the datasource and JDBC Request.


Can you please suggest a way or a link on how I can achieve this.


Thanks in advance,

KB Tokzan

  • Hi Olga_T,


    Yes it did .. I managed to solve my problem by using the property transfer ..



    KB Tokzan


8 Replies

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero



    Can you please share a sample response from the jdbc request?

    • KBTokzan's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Lucian,


      Thanks for the reply, please see the screen for from my jdbc response,


      To update the very same results I need to pass the event code in my json (below)


      "unitOfMeasureDescription": "RedesignUpdate",
      "unitOfMeasureBusinessDescription": "RedesignUpdate",
      "unitOfMeasureCode": "UOM-Rede",
      "unitOfMeasureUnit": "cm",
      "dataType": {
      "dataTypeCode": "DECIMAL"
      "effectiveFromDate": "2018-09-03",
      "effectiveToDate": "2999-12-31"


      I can update any parameter aslong as I am passing the correct/existing code.


      As I mentioned I need to find a way that I can be able to read the code from the DB and pass it to my json without doing it manually, bacause we have to intergrate this with jenkins



      KB Tokzan 



      • KBTokzan's avatar
        Occasional Contributor
        I am referring to "unitOfMeasureCode" by eventCode .. the code is is also stored on the DB if you can refer to my screenshot attachment
    • KBTokzan's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Sorry forgot to attached the picture

      • Lucian's avatar
        Community Hero

        I am sorry. I don't get what that event code is. Can you help me out here?