Forum Discussion

Ofer-Yaniv's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Automated download of dependencies



We are using SoapUI 5.6.0 CLI for executing tests.

The tests include groovy source code that is importing org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel


Can the SoapUI CLI tool automatically download the test dependencies before executing the tests?




5 Replies

    • Ofer-Yaniv's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Rao


      Thank you for the prompt response.


      I am not familiar with the @Grab annotation in groovy scripts.


      I would like to integrate the SoapUI CLI tool in a CI/CD pipeline for automated execution of SoapUI tests.

      I would like to avoid manual download steps of the required dependencies - before the execution of any new SoapUI test.


      Would the @Grab annotation automatically download the dependencies jar files into the bin/ext folder of SoapUI?

      What is the Apache-Ivy used for?
