Getting error when checking for object not Exists or Visible
Hi friends,
I got stuck with this issue for last two days and really scratching my head. So, when the page was loaded only a few records from the total records will be displayed. user has to scroll all the way down the list to load next set of records, once the complete list loaded then user can't scroll down anymore. Here when the user scrolls down, a loading image with spinning icon is displayed and once the list loaded that image will not be displayed again when you scroll down to get next set of records then that loading image will display again. The element of that loading image will still be there in dom until all the list is loaded.
in my script I tried waitproperty(visible, false, 5000), while loop with both exists and visible, but when the element is removed from the dom then I am getting the following error
"Unable to find the object "div[class*='MuiCircularProgress-determinate'][role='progressbar']". See Details for additional information. 13:49:32 Normal 11.37"
function waitUntil(element, PropValue, timeout){
var i=0
//var obj = Aliases.pageEmailAnalyticsGettingStarted.FindElement(element)
if (i==10){
}while (Aliases.pageEmailAnalyticsGettingStarted.FindElement(element).Visible==false)
while (Aliases.pageEmailAnalyticsGettingStarted.FindElement(element).Visible==true)
Option 3.
Can someone please help me how to fix this and verify if the object not exists and/or visible