Forum Discussion

MCH's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

firefox tab crash during testrun

We are experiencing random crashes from firefox tabs in our test runs with TestComplete and with TestExecute.
In the log-files we have a dmp from firefox available but i didn't find an option to attach it here.
We are using the following software versions:

Mozilla Firefox ver.108.0.0 (x86)

TestComplete or TestExecute


The error in firefox looks like this:

6 Replies

    • MCH's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      we don't have any add-ons installed in firefox on the test computers

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    This will require TestComplete and Firefox to liaise with one another! Firefox will need to see what call is being made by TestComplete, and then for Firefox to debug their application. This will pin point exactly where the crash is occurring on Firefox.


    Have you also reported this issue with SmartBear via TestComplete: New Support Request?

  • MCH's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Yes, I reported this Issue as case 00544047.
    But we haven't been able to recreate the issue in a small example. The error occurs only in our general testruns over night and in random projects on random points. 
    Therefor we were not able to create a report with the [TestComplete]\x64\Bin\ReportGenerator.exe

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If the crash is not consistent, then it will be difficult to reproduce by TestComplete and Firefox.


    Access violation "ffffffffffffffff" means that the program tried to access memory that was not reserved in the scope i.e. attempted to access memory it did not have permission to read, write, or execute.


    It could be a number of things that could cause this!