Forum Discussion

ast's avatar
7 years ago

Firefox 58 tests on a remote computer

Hi there


Is there anybody out there which also have the following error during tests with Firefox 58 on a remote computer (the same on Windows 10 and Windows 7)?

PS: InternetExplorer, Chrome, Firefox < v.58 and even Edge works but not FF 58. We are get access to the remote computers with TeamViewer.


I had to switch back to FF57.0.4 ...


The operation cannot be performed, because the desktop is invisible.


Possible cause:
* The test is run on a computer that is controlled via Remote Desktop, and the Remote Desktop window was minimized on the controlling computer. As a result, the controlled computer's GUI became unavailable and GUI actions cannot be performed.

Possible solutions:
* Do not minimize the Remote Desktop window on the controlling computer during the test run.
* Modify the Remote Desktop settings on the controlling computer so that minimizing the Remote Desktop window does not affect the GUI availability on the controlled computer.



  • Please try the following:


    In Firefox navigate to about:config page (click "I accept the risk!" if asked), paste "security.sandbox.content.level" into search box, and check the value of the "security.sandbox.content.level" preference.

    If it is not equal to 1 then double-click the preference, enter 1 into edit box, click OK, re-start the browser, and check if the issue is resolved.

  • Please try the following:


    In Firefox navigate to about:config page (click "I accept the risk!" if asked), paste "security.sandbox.content.level" into search box, and check the value of the "security.sandbox.content.level" preference.

    If it is not equal to 1 then double-click the preference, enter 1 into edit box, click OK, re-start the browser, and check if the issue is resolved.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Just to be on the safe side: can you confirm that TeamViewer window with remote desktop is not minimized while running the test ?

    • ast's avatar

      Hi Alex,


      The TeamViewer window is minimized, overlapped by other windows and during night even not open.

      For all other browsers it is ok but not for FF58.





      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Andy,


        Then I would consider this as a specific FireFox case/issue. As you know, in general, UI tests cannot be run in minimized remote desktops because of user desktop's absence. Most probably, either TeamViewer notifies FF about minimized desktop or FF detects this itself.
        You obviously may create a Support ticket via the form and maybe SmartBear guys will find something. Though for me the error text sounds like regular case when OS terminates graphical output to the minimized desktop.


        Anyway, thank you for the useful problem notification.