Feature Request "Add object here" to allow adding an object at a top-level well identified node
It would be really usefull if the object spy could be made to work relative to a specified node in the name mapping. Eg Right-clicking a well identified node and selecting "add object here" which then opens the spy tool. Extended-find will then be used to ensure the object is found at test-run-time.
As it is TC forces new mappings to map objects, creating upteen parent DIV/Panel objects with little or no identifable properties which then must be carefully removed afterwards. If not they clutter the object map and cause problems at test-run-time or when new objects are added, duplicated objects for instance.
This allows a top-down approach to be used to manage the object map rather than the bottom-up approach inherent in the Spy tool.
jpr348 Did you try the Map Child Objects feature?