Forum Discussion

Anumakonda_mahe's avatar
Frequent Contributor
13 years ago

Facing problem to Get Data form 3rd sheet in single Excel File

Hi guys,

i have added test data in 8 sheets in a single Excel file. Now i am trying to get date from each sheet using DDT. Exceldriver.

It is working fine for Sheet1 & Sheet 2 after that DDT. Current driver is getting the data from Sheet1 not from the Sheet3.

Pls. give me the solution to get data from all sheets. is there any limit to use the sheets in Excel file.

Thanks & Regards,

Mahesh. A

  • There shouldn't be any restriction to the number of sheets.  I'm using a spreadsheet in one of my current tests of which I have 8 different sheets that I reference.  I have my own custom names on them (not sheet 1, sheet 2, etc).  

    Could you post the relevant code?  It could be possible that you're not defining the excel driver properly and, if you're using DDT.CurrentDriver, you may accidentally be getting a DIFFERENT driver.

2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    There shouldn't be any restriction to the number of sheets.  I'm using a spreadsheet in one of my current tests of which I have 8 different sheets that I reference.  I have my own custom names on them (not sheet 1, sheet 2, etc).  

    Could you post the relevant code?  It could be possible that you're not defining the excel driver properly and, if you're using DDT.CurrentDriver, you may accidentally be getting a DIFFERENT driver.

  • Anumakonda_mahe's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Robert,

    Good Morning..

    Thank You for your reply.

    Yes exactly, it is accepting N number of sheets. Yesterday i did some R & D on it then i came to know that problem is occurring only with Sheet3 then i deleted that and added one more new sheet with same Test data now its working fine. But i don't the reason why it is not worked earlier, why it is working now.  Any how problem is solved for Now.


    Mahesh. A