Forum Discussion

Adam2696's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 months ago

Exporting in Junit

I want to use this command, Log.SaveResultsAs("C:\\Work\\Log\\Log.xml", lsJUnit);

But what I have is I have a variable declared:

var Folder:

Folder = "C:\\Result\\" + "\\"  + projectDate+ "\\" + projectType;

Log.SaveResultsAs(Folder, lsJunit): is what I have been doing

Where can I add Log.xml in above statement as I have declared Folder?

Help is highly appreciated!!!

  • Think about it.

    You have declared a variable (folder), and you've assigned the variable some value. Your value is made up of a constant value ("C:\Result") followed by two concatenated variables (projectDate and projectType). Now you want to concatenate constant value "Log.xml". 

    That should give you a hint




  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Think about it.

    You have declared a variable (folder), and you've assigned the variable some value. Your value is made up of a constant value ("C:\Result") followed by two concatenated variables (projectDate and projectType). Now you want to concatenate constant value "Log.xml". 

    That should give you a hint