Forum Discussion

krkarthik_info's avatar
Frequent Contributor
7 years ago

How to export junit report generated through TestComplete plugin in Jenkins to my workspace

Hi All,


I am using Jenkins server with TestComplete Test plugin enabled to trigger my tests. I have enabled Generate Junit Style report in TestComplete plugin and observed 'junitResult.xml' file is generated in jenkins build location. I wanted to copy this file from jenkins location to my workspace (slave location). Is there any way to get this file?


My jenkins server is hosted in Linux OS and my execution is happening in Windows OS.


 Thanks in advance.



Karthik K R

  • Hi Shankar,


    Thanks for your response. 


    Actually I wanted to copy file from Master(Jenkins server) to Slave machine post TestComplete execution. When we check Generate Junit Style report in TestComplete plugin, actually it creates a file 'junitResult.xml' in the build location in the Jenkins server. 


    I have found a solution to copy that file from Master to Slave using PSCP command. It works well in my case to copy the file.


    Thanks again.



    Karthik K R

3 Replies

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero



    Junit results used to generate in the machine where TestComplete being executed,  'junitResult.xml' is not the actual result.


    If you seeing this command line in your slave machine job console output, then highlighted in red is the Junit report.

    '"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 12\bin\TestCompleteService12.exe"' //LogonAndExecute //lDomain: "" //lName: "Administrator" //lPassword: ******** //lTimeout: "-1" //lUseActiveSession: "true" //lCommandLine: '""C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 12\bin\TestExecute.exe"
    c:\jenkins\workspace\AllTestsSuite\Framework.pjs /run /SilentMode /ForceConversion /ns /exit
    /ErrorLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\AllTestsSuite\5688397.txt /DoNotShowLog

    However, if you still want to copy some files from your slave to master now then you can use below jenkins plugins to do,

    • krkarthik_info's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Shankar,


      Thanks for your response. 


      Actually I wanted to copy file from Master(Jenkins server) to Slave machine post TestComplete execution. When we check Generate Junit Style report in TestComplete plugin, actually it creates a file 'junitResult.xml' in the build location in the Jenkins server. 


      I have found a solution to copy that file from Master to Slave using PSCP command. It works well in my case to copy the file.


      Thanks again.



      Karthik K R

    • kamal-a's avatar
      Senior Member


      You are saying that the juntReport.xml isn't the result but when I look at my folder after the build I don't see any .txt file as in the command line.

      Is there an option to activate to see it or something like this?