Forum Discussion

dhundley's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 years ago

TestExecute Settings Export

the smartbear support web page explains how to export settings for TestComplete using Tools->Settings->Export Settings and, of course, how to import them using Tools->Settings->Import Settings. Is there something like that available for TestExecute from its context menu?


  • Kitt's avatar
    3 years ago

    Thanks for posting Smartbear's reply, that will help others with the same issue, and thanks for giving the file update a shot. Thankfully TestComplete gives us plenty of opportunities to create fun scripts. Although there are a fair share that are needed for "workarounds", the same could be said for most automation tools. Despite what TE is showing as correct, did you try to run any tests through those ports after saving the file? VM reboot wouldn't hurt either. 


    As for fun scripts, you can use a powershell script or batch file to open a port in your firewall so you don't have to do it manually every time. And it you want to go crazy, write another script to check for TE version updates, and if true execute the batch file. Here's a starting point for going down that rabbit hole: [open ports w/netsh] and [tc/te auto updates].

  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    What settings are you trying to configure? TestExeucte is just a test runner so there aren't any settings to configure beyond the options available to you in the TE menu you are referencing [see here].

  • dhundley's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Well, despite the fact that the Network Suite feature has been deprecated (and will I suppose some day be removed completely), I still use it. Unfortunately (for me anyway), I followed the SmartBear support documentation for setting up port ranges ( where it explicitly states "The ports used by TestExecute and TestComplete Service are specified by the TCP ports for remote connections option. By default, ports 6095 - 6097 are used." but that's not the case. When you install or update TestComplete or TestExecute and you open up Tools->Options->Engines->Network Suite the default port range is always set (or reset in the case of an update) to a range of 6105 - 6107 and I have to remember to manually change them or my remote execution doesn't work. Why they can't just change the defaults when an update is installed is beyond me but apparently they don't want to waste their time with it since it's deprecated. On the most recent update of TestComplete I used the settings export on my workstation, did the update, imported my settings and the port range of 6095 - 6097 was preserved so I want to be able to do that with the TestExecutes that are installed/updated on my VM's

    • Kitt's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Gottcha, I would suggest contacting Support to see if there is a workaround. If this port configuration is stored somewhere within the local TC project files, then you could potentially create a script to update that file before your tests start.


      So far I was only able to find a potential reference in the TC 14 Global.aqview file stored here >> C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SmartBear\TestComplete\14.0. There's a section where this setting is configured - just search for value="Options - Network Suite (TestExecute)". See if you can update this file on your agent VM and rerun your test with the updated port.




      • dhundley's avatar
        Regular Contributor

        i already did open a case with support. the solution they proposed was to go back through the port setup portion of the configuring windows firewall process and define the port range 6105 through 6107 so that the ports in the firewall match what testexecute is going to default to every time we have to install a new smartbear update. i replied back to them that, if it were just me, i'd do that, but i'd also have to explain what to do to several other people in my organization who have already defined the 6095 - 6097 port range in the firewalls of their workstations and VM's. who knows? i still might do that but i was hoping to find a quicker fix if one existed. 


        as for your suggestion, i exited out of test execute on my testexecute agent VM, edited the numbers in the Global.aqview file from the correct values of 6095, 6096 and 6097 to 6105, 6106 and 6107, saved the changes and then started testexecute back up. when i went into tools-options-engines-network suite, they still reflected the correct values so it doesn't seem like changes to that file affect what comes up in testexecute (unless i did something wrong). would a Vm restart be required for the changes to take effect? I love the idea, though, if i could get it to work. i love creating scripts to do things. let me know if you can think of anything else. thanks!