11 years agoSuper Contributor
DataDriven Test using OpenOffice/Office Starter 2010
We are using TestComplete 8.0 and we want to do DataDriven testing, but we don't have MS Office, so instead to MS Office we are using Open Office and Office Started 2010. Actual problem is - while we record and run our test it will support for Office Starter 2010 but when we move for scripting (VBScript) it's throws exception. could you please help us how we can solve issue in script. we did script like below - is there any alternative for work with OpenOffice or Office Starter 2010.
1- Sub ExcelTry
Set Exo = CreateObject("Excel.Application")--(Error throws)
Exo.visible = true
Set wbo = exo.OpenWorkbooks("D:\Test.xls")
'Set wso =
End Sub
2- Sub ex
Dim Excel
Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")-(Error throw)
Excel.Visible = True
End Sub