Forum Discussion

Egg's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 months ago

Chrome extension Error

Hi there. 

thesedays.. every morning.. my automation test occur same error.

The message is.. Please see below picture & message. 

The test engine does not have access to internal objects, methods, and properties of the page open in Chrome. Most likely, the SmartBear Test Extension is not configured properly. To complete its installation, restart the Chrome browser.


So I tried the Smartbear's  all of the solution.  (

And I also confirm my below two ID. 

1.  ID of the installed extension in the web browser

2. ID that the tcCrHost.json file specifies


There are no problem. 

Chrom's extension is Enable 

and my 2 ID is same. 


But error still occur.

So my automation test schedule fail every in the morning.   


How can I fix this? 

Please share your Idea. 

Thank you ! 




4 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    What version of TC are you using? What browser and version are you using? Is this running on a VM? Is the VM unlocked?

    • Egg's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi rr. Thanks your answer.

      My Testcomplete version is

      and Chrome version is 118.0.5993.118 


      My Automation test running on VM. 

      and I use console batch file to connect VM and Jenkins invisibly.

      So maybe I can tell my VM unlocked. 




  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    See Running Tests via Remote Desktop and ensure you read all sub topics.


    If the machine is locked, automation won't work as it requires a UI, unless you are doing headless testing. Also, there needs to be an active session.


    Are you using TestComplete.exe, TestExecute.exe or SessionCreator.exe in your batch file?