An error has occurred when trying to add SmartBear extension to Chrome version 72
Can anyone help me with the below issue?
I already added Smartbear Extension for Chrome as shown in Extension_Pic-1; however, when trying to record a test, I get an error message saying that SmartBear Test Extension for Chrome is not enabled as shown in Extension_Pic-2.
So I try to add it, but get the error message saying an error has occured when it attempted to downgrade extension (Extension_Error)
My T.C version is 12.30.1651.7
I found out the reason why I could not add SmartBear extension for Chrome via
In order to for both T.C and Chrome to work together, I have to do the below:
1. Disable Chrome update automatically on my test system
2. Downgrade Chrome from version 72 to 71 (
3. Clean install version 12.60
That's all.