AutoComplete will only work if it knows what it needs to complete.
For example, let's say I have this code:
function getOnScreenObject(objectName) {
return Aliases.myApp.WaitAliasChild(ObjectName, 10000);
function test1() {
var myObject;
myObject = getOnScreenObject('textbox');
myObject. // At this point, AutoComplete won't work on MyObject because it does not have any context as to what myObject actually is.
This is just one example... but the basic rule is the same. If you are trying to type out something and TestComplete can't detect what it is you're trying to reference, it will not be able to do an auto-complete of the objects, methods, and properties of the object.
If you can post up an example of the code you're trying to edit that is not giving you autocompletion and perhaps some context of where this is happening in your test project, we should be able to help you.