7 years agoNew Contributor
Swagger hub - auto mocking plugin doesn't work
I'm trying to generate auto mock for my API, but I have problem with that.
The mock should be available at:
I' m getting 404 for this page.
I can see an error in the Api panel:
Last updated:11:34:09 am Nov 10, 2017
SmartBear API Auto Mocking Plugin
Could not generate API mock. Error connecting to API mock VirtServer.
Does it work for you or is there a problem only in my project?
The mock base URL is just the prefix for the operation paths. For example, to call GET /pet/1, you would use
If you try out the operations in the UI, you will see their corresponding mock URLs in the curl examples.
The base URL itself will only return a response if you have an operation at the root path /, such as:
paths: /: get: ...
Hope this helps! We'll update the docs to clarify this.