Forum Discussion

Itam_Media's avatar
15 years ago

is a way to load all the project files in a folder?

is there a way that on the pom file i can set up all the soapui project files?

i want to read multiple files to be executed without furter changes.

2 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    If you do like this:


    than you will be able to set project file name with -Dproject=. Actually, for each thing you are setting in pom file you could set property instead of value. Than in command line with -D= you set its value. Than you create a script in which you start maven and set value for each property. This is easy with bat and shell scripts...

    Hope this helps,
  • sug_in2008's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am new to soapui -maven plugin.
    Can you please provide me the sample bat or shell script to call the maven and execute the pom.xml with $project properties