Forum Discussion

lalit_singh's avatar
2 years ago

Create sub folder under script folder

I want to create subfolders under my Scripts folders so that I can place my scripts file under different folders

here I am implying the location where source code is present

Currently I have all my scripts under Scripts folder in the project
Is this allowed in the test complete?

  • It's an annoying process, but you have to create your folders first in Explorer, and then in TestComplete create your logical folders and then add existing file to the appropriate logical folder. The file names have to be unique.



9 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    See Organizing Items Into Folders - creating a folder in the Project Explorer panel does not lead to creating a folder on a hard drive. The Project Explorer’s folders are used for logical organization of the projects’s contents, not for physical organisation.

    • lalit_singh's avatar

      So ,that means test complete do not support creating sub folders under script in hard drive?

  • MW_Didata's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Do you mean like this?

    If so it's Rmouse on script > Add > New folder > Name folder

    Then just drag the scripts into that folder.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You will have to create the folders manually, then create the logical folders in TestComplete

    • lalit_singh's avatar

      So, scenario is 

      1.I have already running automated suite , with logical folders already there 

      And what I am trying to achieve is creating sub-folders in the physical drive so that one sub folder in drive contains the script belong to one logical folder created in test complete

      I have tried to do it , but it is giving me error 

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    It's an annoying process, but you have to create your folders first in Explorer, and then in TestComplete create your logical folders and then add existing file to the appropriate logical folder. The file names have to be unique.



    • lalit_singh's avatar

      Yes, that's right
      I am also dong the same
      Thanks for the response