Forum Discussion

MadhuEP's avatar
Occasional Visitor
5 years ago

Invalid Project File

Recently upgraded to SOAP UI Pro version 2.8.2, after the upgrade unable to import any of the projects getting error like this.

  • Hey MadhuEP 


    ReadyAPI! can report malformed .xml project files as invalid when attempting to load


    So - just to be absolutely clear - all the projects that were created and maintained on a previous version (do you know what version?) worked immediately before on the previous version and as soon as you upgraded and tried opening the projects, you get the invalid file warning?


    Is it every single project?

    What was the previous version of ReadyAPI! you were viewing the files in?

    Are the projects flat .xml files or are they unflattened composite files?


    Can you please try the following:



    First.  Try and open the files in an application that has an XML Parser - e.g. XMLSpy or even Internet Explorer? (this'll confirm if the .xml file (if flat .xml) is still wellformed or not - ReadyAPI! reports malformed .xml project files as invalid rather than malformed in the error dialogue that is generated).   If the files are fine (not malformed), they'll open fine, if not - you know somehow your files have corrupted and become malformed xml.  You'll need to fix the corruption before you can open them within ReadyAPI! (this has happened lots of times to me - you just have to find the bit that's causing the break in the wellformed rules).


    next.  Download the freeware (open source) SoapUI and see if you still get the same warning?  

    If "yes"

    If the files open fine in your application with an XML Parser and they also open fine in open source SoapUI I'd try the following:


    1.  Create a new project in your instance of ReadyAPI! - wiht a small subset of the types of tests used in other invalid projects (trying to nail down if there's a particular thing you've done in your invalid projects that is causing ReadyAPI! to respond with the error - I dont think you've done anything wrong at all - Im just trying to rule out if using a particular function from a particular version of ReadyAPI! is causing this issue in v2.8.2


    2.  Downgrade your ReadyAPI! instance to say v2.8.0  - see what happens - are the files still invalid? if yes there are other problems going on, if upgrade to ReadyAPI! v2.8.2 - are the files valid or have the reverted to invalid status?





  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey MadhuEP 


    ReadyAPI! can report malformed .xml project files as invalid when attempting to load


    So - just to be absolutely clear - all the projects that were created and maintained on a previous version (do you know what version?) worked immediately before on the previous version and as soon as you upgraded and tried opening the projects, you get the invalid file warning?


    Is it every single project?

    What was the previous version of ReadyAPI! you were viewing the files in?

    Are the projects flat .xml files or are they unflattened composite files?


    Can you please try the following:



    First.  Try and open the files in an application that has an XML Parser - e.g. XMLSpy or even Internet Explorer? (this'll confirm if the .xml file (if flat .xml) is still wellformed or not - ReadyAPI! reports malformed .xml project files as invalid rather than malformed in the error dialogue that is generated).   If the files are fine (not malformed), they'll open fine, if not - you know somehow your files have corrupted and become malformed xml.  You'll need to fix the corruption before you can open them within ReadyAPI! (this has happened lots of times to me - you just have to find the bit that's causing the break in the wellformed rules).


    next.  Download the freeware (open source) SoapUI and see if you still get the same warning?  

    If "yes"

    If the files open fine in your application with an XML Parser and they also open fine in open source SoapUI I'd try the following:


    1.  Create a new project in your instance of ReadyAPI! - wiht a small subset of the types of tests used in other invalid projects (trying to nail down if there's a particular thing you've done in your invalid projects that is causing ReadyAPI! to respond with the error - I dont think you've done anything wrong at all - Im just trying to rule out if using a particular function from a particular version of ReadyAPI! is causing this issue in v2.8.2


    2.  Downgrade your ReadyAPI! instance to say v2.8.0  - see what happens - are the files still invalid? if yes there are other problems going on, if upgrade to ReadyAPI! v2.8.2 - are the files valid or have the reverted to invalid status?





    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Thank you richie! 


      Hi MadhuEP ! Did you try richie’s solution? Did it help?