Forum Discussion

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Community Manager
7 months ago

Unable to use a service account to connect to GitHub

Originally posted by user edcook to the Stoplight Community on 06/01/2023 at 16:59 ET.

I've created a new account in GitHub with an api token. I've also tested it with postman, so I know it works with GitHub.

But when I add it to the project->settings->service account, user name and token, and hit test, it says: Service account credentials test for GitHub failed: Invalid username or password Not sure what to do from here.

It looks like the issue is with the stoplight app in GitHub.  The service account does not have it installed.

How does that app get added to the GitHub account?

  • edcook (OP) [06/05/2023 - 11:14 ET]

    Solved this. It was my service account not having access to the repos. Once I granted access in GitHub the service account test passed in stoplight.

    There wasn't enough info in the error to point me in the right direction. Not sure if it's even possible with a security issue, but a better error message would be great.

  • Stoplight's avatar
    Community Manager

    edcook (OP) [06/05/2023 - 11:14 ET]

    Solved this. It was my service account not having access to the repos. Once I granted access in GitHub the service account test passed in stoplight.

    There wasn't enough info in the error to point me in the right direction. Not sure if it's even possible with a security issue, but a better error message would be great.