Forum Discussion

Kitt's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 years ago

Is there a way to link a smartbear academy account with smartbear community account?

I don't see TestComplete as a login option from the Academy link in the Community portal. Is there a way to link my Smartbear Academy account with my Community account? I would prefer not to have to multiple accounts so that I can manage a single password and all of the achievements, badges, and certifications count towards the same account.

  • Hello Kitt ! Thanks for reaching out. Currently, the accounts are separate but we are working on linking them. Please let us know if you have any other issues.

5 Replies

  • I found this on the login page. I would ask that directly:


    If you are having issues with your profile or accessing training, please email us at

    • Kitt's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Thanks for your suggestion, but my issue is not with accessing my account, it's with the fact that I have to use 2 separate accounts (1 for Academy and 1 for Community). It appears that these can be linked because there are Community badges for completing Academy courses, I just can't find out how to do that and I'm wondering if is possible for TestComplete users? 


      By clicking on the Academy link in the top right here:


      I am taken here:

      But there is no TC option. It is my understanding that all Smartbear users have access to the CrossBrowserTesting tool, but I do not have an account for that tool. My worry is that my only way of linking the 2 is by having an existing account for one of the listed products above - meaning I would have to re-do all the academy courses with my new CBT account?

  • Rache1's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello Kitt ! Thanks for reaching out. Currently, the accounts are separate but we are working on linking them. Please let us know if you have any other issues.

  • Will the upcoming account linking also include the Support Portal and/or all SmartBear products? I've currently got four different SmartBear accounts (our Zephyr instance, Support Portal, SmartBear Academy, SmartBear Community) and there may be more to come in the future. It would be delightful if they were all linked to the same email address and password.

    • Rache1's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi julieloeffler ! Thanks for the question. The plan is for the upcoming account linking to also include the Support Portal. The "linking" rollout should happen this year. Apologies for the delay!